一、二、三、特殊记,词尾字母t,d,d.(first, second, third)。
八减t,九去e,(eighth, ninth), f 来把ve 替。(twelfth)。
单词ty 作结尾,ty 变成tie(twentieth)。
1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th fifth
6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth 10th tenth
11th eleventh 12th twelfth 20th twentieth 21st twenty-first
22nd twenty-second 29th twenty-ninth 30th thirtieth 31st thirty-first
40th fortieth 50th fiftieth 60th sixtieth 70th seventieth
80th eightieth 90th ninetieth 100th hundredth
a.用来表示时间例如:2008 年2 月28 日可以表示为February 28th, 2007
b.用来表示顺序例如:He is always the first to come to school.他总是第一个来学校。
c.用来表示楼层例如:He lives on the fourth floor.他住在四楼。
January, February, March, April, May, June, July,
August, September, October, November, December,
如:the ninth part = part nine 第九部分
the Fourth Lesson = Lesson Four 第四课
the sixth paragraph = paragraph six 第六段
2)表示年月日: "年”用基数词,“日用序数词”。
例如:1949 年10 月1 日—写法: Oct.。1, 1949.
读做:Oct. (the ) first, nineteen forty-nine.
2009 年3 月28 日—写法: March 27, 2009.
读作: March, (the) twenty-seventh, two thousand and nine.
10:30 am. 读作:at half past ten in the morning
15+2=? How much is fifteen plus two?
8-7=? How much is eight minus seven?
12×12=? How much is twelve times twelve?
81÷9=? How much is eighty-one divided by nine?
1/2: one-second 3/4 three-fourths, 2/5 two-fifths.
记口诀:分子基,分母序。分子大于1, 分母加s.
3.4 读作:three point four 0.2 读作zero point two