1、 How do ••• usually go to school? I/We/They usually •••by/on•••.
2、 How does ••• usually go to school? He/She usually ••• by/on•••.
3、 What do ••• have for breakfast? I/We/They have ••• for breakfast.
4、 What does ••• have for breakfast? He/She has ••• for breakfast.
5、 How much is •••? It’s •••.
6、 How much are •••? They’re •••.
7、 What can I do for you?
8、 Was he/she •••? Yes, he/she was. No, he/she was.
9、 Were you/they •••?
10、 Where were you/they born?
11、 Where was he/she born?
12、 When were you/they born?
13、 When was he/she born?
14、 When is ••• birthday?
15、 What’s the weather like today?
16、 What was the weather like yesterday?
17、 Where do ••• live? They’re live in•••.
18、 Where does ••• live? He live in•••.
19、 What’s the number of ••• house?