A Have you figured out where you want to transfer to? 你想好了要转到哪里去吗?
B I can’t think of where to go. 我想不出去哪儿。
A Where would you like to go to school? 你想去哪儿上学?
B I really don’t know. 我真的不知道。
A You can’t think of anything? 你什么也想不出来吗?
B I really like where I’m at now. 我真的很喜欢我现在的地方。
A So, why don’t you just stay here? 那么为什么你不就待在这儿呢?
B That may be what I’m going to do. 也行我会那么做。
A It’s a perfectly good school. 那是个非常好的学校。
B You’re absolutely right. 你是正确的。
A Do you know what you’re going to do now? 你现在知道该做什么了吧?
B I’m just going to stay at PCC. 我只想待在PCC。