Conversation A
(Mark, Dan, Katie and Grace are outside the Queensland Museum.)
Grace: Did you too prepare for this report?
Mark: I did. We’re reporting on—
Dan: Queensland’s two native cultures.
Grace: Do you know their names?
Dan: Sure I do. But let’s not talk about them here. Let’s go inside and find out more!
Different nations have different customs and traditions.
Conversation B
(inside the museum)
Lady: Hi, my name is Pat. Welcome to Dandiiri Maiwar.
Mark: Dand-what?
Lady: Dandiiri Maiwar. In Aboriginal language it means “to meet at the river.”
Dan: Oh, cool! We’re here to learn about Queensland’s two native cultures.
Pat: The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?
Dan: Right!
Pat: You came to the right place. Here you can learn about Torres Strait Islander peoples’ customs and traditions.
Conversation C
Pat: There are six circles here.
Dan: Write that down, Mark.
Mark: You write it down.
Grace: Both you write it down.!
Pat: Three of the circles are about the Aboriginal culture.
Katie: And the other three are about the Torres Strait Islanders?
Pat: That’s right! You can learn all about their different languages, customs and cultures.
Grace: Thank you, Pat. We’ll look around.