A:Car trouble center. How may I help you?汽车修理中心,你需要什么帮助?
B:My car won’t start! Stupid old car!我的车启动不了。真是破车。
A:Hold on, before you kick your car let’s go through some possible problems.坚持下,在你踢车之前我们先仔细检查下一些可能存在的问题。
A:OK, first of all, can you turn the key in the ignition?首先,你转动钥匙来点了吗?
B:Yeah! I am here with my friend and he thinks it may be the spark plug or the starter motor.是的,我和朋友在一起,他认为可能是火花塞或起动电动机的问题。
A:Those are possible problems, but tell me, when you turn the key, do you hear the starter motor crank?这些都可能存在问题。但是你先告诉我,当你转动钥匙时,你听到发动机转动了吗?
B:Yeah, it sounds like it usually does when I start the car, but nothing else happens. The engine won’t start. Should I maybe press the accelerator?是的,声音挺起啦和平时发动车子时是一样的,但是车并没有发生什么。引擎并没有发哦那个,我应该踩油门吗?
A:No. If you step on the accelerator pedal you can flood the carburetor and your car will never start.不要。如果你踩油门,汽化器会出问题,车子就启动不了。
B:So what do you think it is?你认为是什么问题?
A:I know this may seem like a silly question, but does your car have gasoline?我知道这听起来很愚蠢,暗示你的车还有油吗?
B:Umm. yeah! Right! I got the car started! Thanks for your help! I told you to fill the tank!是的,车发动起来了。谢谢你的帮助。我曾让你加油的。