129 6001 主营业务收入main business income
130 6011 利息收入 金融共用 interest income financial sharing
135 6051 其他业务收入 other business income
136 6061 汇兑损益 金融专用 exchange gain or loss exclusively for finance
137 6101 公允价值变动损益 sound value flexible loss and profit
138 6111 投资收益 income on investment
142 6301 营业外收入 nonrevenue receipt
143 6401 主营业务成本 main business cost
144 6402 其他业务支出 other business expense
145 6405 营业税金及附加 business tariff and annex
146 6411 利息支出 金融共用 interest expense financial sharing
155 6601 销售费用 marketing cost
156 6602 管理费用 managing cost
157 6603 财务费用 financial cost
158 6604 勘探费用 exploration expense
159 6701 资产减值损失 loss from asset devaluation
160 6711 营业外支出 nonoperating expense
161 6801 所得税 income tax
162 6901 以前年度损益调整prior year profit and loss adjustment